Who Needs A Mediator When You Have AI? You Do.
By Eric Gillett03/21/2023 | BAR BulletinIn the KCBA BAR Bulletin's March issue of Spotlight on Mediation: Strategies for Success, author Eric Gillett explores the role of AI in modern mediation.
Mediation and the Art of Compromise
By Eric Gillett02/09/2023 | BAR BulletinIn the February KCBA BAR Bulletin column "Spotlight on Mediation, Strategies for Success, Eric explores the art of compromise, its foundational elements, and how those impact case resolutions.
In Mediation, Let Vulnerability Be Your Sword And Honesty Your Shield
By Eric Gillett
01/17/2023 | BAR BulletinKCBA BAR Bulletin's monthly column, Spotlight on Mediation, Strategies for Success, is authored by Eric Gillett. Start 2023 with perspectives on how vulnerability and honesty play important roles in effective mediation.
Washington Uniform Mediation Act10/26/2022
For those who are interested, here is a link to Washington’s mediation laws. This addresses the confidentiality of the process as well as the independence of your mediator.
Your Working Life is Short: Why Waste it on Litigation?10/03/2022
Isn’t life simply too short, particularly our working life, to spend any significant amount of it embroiled in a dispute or a lawsuit?
The Elephant in the Room07/17/2022
An elephant in the room might [...] represent the unspoken hurts or words. They are what is going on between disputing people that isn’t being said. You may find it helpful to consider how to acknowledge the elephants in your conflict conversations.